Dentro e Fuori le Mura

Between City and Countryside

Contrary to what its austere medieval defensive walls might initially suggest, Florence, its history, and its creative culture evolved out of a constant dynamic interplay between the active life dentro le mura, inside the walls of the city center, and the slower-paced contemplative life that unfolded fuori le mura, outside the walls, in the countryside. To visit one is to contextualize the other; thus, Dentro e Fuori le mura: between city and countryside was born.  

Within the city walls, guests will discover how Florence’s greatest artists and intellectuals were inspired by Tuscany’s natural, largely untouched landscape. They will see firsthand how the natural world was invited into the manmade walls of the city center decorating its churches, squares, and public and private buildings while simultaneously inspiring the philosophical ideas that made this city flourish over the course of centuries.

Outside the walls, guests will be fully immersed in the breadbasket of the Tuscan countryside where they will visit historic villas, where the Medieval and Renaissance elite would take refuge from the chaos of the city, and encounter first-hand Tuscany’s still-vibrant agricultural production of wine, olive oil and other delicacies that nourished the great artists and intellectuals of the past.